Officially this house has been renamed to Unsober House seeing how nobody in it can stay sober to save their life!
Seth is just insane. Just because David (Mary Carey's boyfriend) is dissing him he goes and cries in the corner like a little girl. Why does he even react to anything that loser says? I mean obviously David has some serious ego problems and just feels good when he can put others down but to take it so hard and vanish only to do drugs again? That just shows he is not going to stay clean. Every time someone says anything about Crazy Town and how he has no career anymore he turns to drugs for comfort and feeling of stardom?
Why Mary Carey is with someone like that is also way beyond me. The way he talks to her, treats her and she doesn't do anything about it makes me think she wants to be treated like that. Being with someone who would treat her good seem to be something she doesn't want. David and Mary kind of remind me of Sam Lufti and Britney Spears didn't they do the same thing?
I still believe that the only person coming out of it sober is going to be Rodney. They are way too self absorb and not capable of living their own life without caring about what others think or do.
The next episode of Sober House airs Thursday Feb. 19th 10pm EST on Vh1!
If you missed the fourth episode (S01E04) you can watch the it right here (full episode in 6 videos):
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