I really enjoy seeing Lorraine Warren in Paranormal State, so I was quite happy that she was the Psychic/paranormal expert on this episode. I remember her from way back as she did the Amityville Horror case.
"Laws of Attraction" episode info from A&E:
When Paula's young autistic son Michael, with limited verbal skills uttered the words "Go away scary dead boy" -- it sent a chill up her spine. The terrifying paranormal activity forced Paula and her family to flee their beautifully remodeled Meriden, CT home. Famed paranormal investigator Lorraine Warren joins PRS as they try to piece together what might be haunting Paula and Michael.This episode was definitely one of the creepy ones. I do understand that the family moved out of the house but I think if I would be in their shoes I would be way too scared to move back into the house.
I do like to see when they try out new things in the paranormal investigation like they did with the radar in this episode. Especially how movement show up through it and at the same time they recorded sound as well. I just can't believe the sound was the sound of a vacuum cleaner! At the time they recorded the sound the PS team was in the house investigating and nobody used a vacuum cleaner! That was really scary.
The next back to back episodes "The Sickness" and "Smoke & Shadows" air Monday (Feb 16th) 10/9c on A&E!
If you missed some of the episode of Paranormal State you can watch them online! Just click on the image above and will take you right there.
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