This show is like the American Charm School the difference is these girls are for real while I sometimes doubt that with the girls on Vh-1's Charm School. On Charm School I think most of the girl are just on the show because they want to be on TV or they want the money.
I have just watched the first two episode and this show is awesome. I really never believed there are really girls like this out there until I saw this. They are alcoholics and haven't even reached their 30's birthday! The best was that they already caused chaos on the flight from Australia to the UK where even the police was called to.
But I do think Sarah was totally right with what she and also Nicole said to the "teachers". All they are teaching them is for the pleasure of men thats all it is. Everything they teach them is not to be strong independent well behaved women it is to be old fashion house wifes that keep the facade up when the family is crumbled. The ones that cook, clean and shuts up. I really don't think this is going to help any of them. I am sure girls that come from the upper class and need this coaching to know how to behave in their environment, but these girls come from regular homes. I really thought they are just going to show them a non slutty, non drinking way to go about things, but I guess I was wrong!
If you have not had a chance to watch this show then believe me you don't want to miss this unique TV show.
The next episode airs Monday 9.30pm on channel 9 in Australia!
If you missed one of the episodes you can download them! Just click on the image above and it will take you right there. The best part is that they allow you to download the episodes and shares them on Bit Torrent! You have got to love that! It makes it possible for the rest of us to watch the episodes as well! So if you are in Australia please do so cause this show is one of the best out there!
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