This episode the guys get to sit in and watch a focus group discuss them. 16 Women talking about the "teen idols" back in the day and what they think about them now after they saw some new footage of them. And let me tell you the women where quite harsh, but hit the nail straight on the head too. Especially with Jeremy Jackson. He does look pretty scary and could play the killer in horror movies also he looks very desperate and stuck in the day he was famous. He seems to try very hard to still be that teen idol he was back then.
They also had a talk with a a-list celebrity stylist. She also told them pretty much their style sucks and send them shopping. In the beginning Eric Nies wasn't having any of it. He did put up a fight and didn't want to do any shopping because he liked the way he dressed, after looking for a while with a salesperson and declining every single piece she showed him Chris pulled out a sweater and asked Eric what he thinks of that. Then there was the whole different Eric after that, he had fun and did find something he liked as well. Eric and Jeremy also went to the hairdresser to get their hear/beard cut while the others went to a spa.
Back at the house from shopping the stylist was back to see what they got. She was very happy with what they bought and brought by a make up artist and a photographer to have their new publicity photos taken. Of course they all love it and the photographer seemed to have worked is magic because the photos did turn out quite nice.
With some of them I really don't understand why they are fighting so much against change. Obviously they are not doing anything in the limelight right now so do they really think their thing is working? I don't think most of them will do anything special after this. Maybe Chris Atkins will have the chance for something big, but the others probably have just small roles in the future.
The next episode airs Sunday Feb. 15th 8pm on Vh1!
If you missed this episode you can watch it right here: (Full episode in 6 videos)
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