Did Fiona get skinnier since season 1? She kind of looked a lot skinnier in this episode then she normally does. She doesn't have to become a anorexic to look good, she looks really very good already for her age!
Here is from the usa network website what happened this episode:
Michael, Fiona and Sam pose as a gang of ruthless car thieves to stop a thug who is threatening a local high school football star. Meanwhile, Fiona and Michael track down the man responsible for the explosion at Michael's loft.
This was just a episode like we are used to, lots of fighting, fires, exploding things and Michael and Fiona being back together? Fiona broke into the house of the guy who tried to kill Michael. After entering she stepped onto a tricker which started a fire. Trapped in the house she had to find a way out but already everything was on fire. As Michael arrived at the house he totally flipped out because he thought she was still in the house. trying to call her cell phone and just getting the voice mail he drives back to his places where Fiona is already waiting for him. I guess that was were he realized how much she means to him, so Fiona spend the night.
This episode Sticky Fingaz (who played Blade in Blade: The Series) guest stars on Burn Notice. Lately he guest starred in quite some TV shows, I think they totally should have done another season of Blade! She show wasn't too bad. I guess since their reasoning was that it is too expensive to produce they are quite pissed now that they canceled the show and True Blood is doing so well!
The next episode of Burn Notice "Seek and Destroy" airs Thursday Feb. 5th on usa!
If you missed the episode "Hot Spot" you can watch the full episode online! Just click on the image above and will take you right there.
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