Now I am really sure that Tamara is either on some sort of drugs or she has some mental disorder! That was the weirdest freak out I have ever seen on TV! Why was she talking to the crew? They didn't force her to be on the show did they? I mean I didn't see them bringing her in handcuffed. She said that the show is just not right for her in the end, well Tamara I know a show that is right for you. Maybe your agent should get you on Celebrity Rehab! That would be a way better fit! I am also convinced that these shows have no mental evaluations at all, how else did she make onto any TV show? I thought after Rock of Love they maybe just portrayed her like that and she is not really that crazy but seeing her on I love money just confirms that she is! One thing where I do agree with her is that they are just exploiting the people on the show. She is absolutely right, but do we care? No, not really thats what they signed up for! They want to be on TV and nobody makes them do anything they don't want to do! If you don't want to be portrayed as a fool don't go onto these kind of shows Tamara!
The Entertainer is back again straight out of his parents basement! he should have his own show like "Frank's Basement Life" or "Down and Dirty in Frank's Basement" his mom totally is made for TV! The fallouts between him and her would be hilarious! That is a show I would watch.
Did I really hear right that Prancer would buy herself new boobs if she wins the money? Just get her out of the show right now, she is crazy! Did she see Angelique or any of the other fake breasted women in the house? Prancer looks absolutely fine the way she is.
What happened to Buckwild's and Saaphyri's big business plans? Didn't they say in some show that now they are big in business Saaphyri with her lip chap line and Buckwild wasn't she also doing something? I guess that didn't work out or why else would they be back?
I really think that the gay factor is very high on the show. No wonder they all went on I love New York. I still believe Tiffany Pollard aka New York is a dude so that explains why they were on her show. My picks of who is gay would be definitely 20 Pack! Also some candidates are Heat, Onix maybe even T-Weed?
I do admit I didn't remember all of the people on the show from their original shows at first, but then as they showed some recaps it all came back. Also the girls from Real Chance of Love I remember even though I just watched the first 4 episode of that show. The first episode already promises a lot of drama and a awesome season 2! So I really think that the I love money season 2 trailer didn't just consisted of all the good things that are going to happen it was really just a teaser cause there is a lot more to come!
I am definitely looking forward to the next episode!
The next episode of I Love Money airs Monday (Feb 9th) 9pm on VH1!
If you missed the season premiere of I Love Money you can watch the full episode right here!
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