So I couldn't resist and had to give it another try. The previous episode was very interesting because of the place they visited and how much evidence they found so I thought I would give it another shot and maybe it would just as interesting. Well I know I have been picking on the show because of the people in it but I must say I can live with watching Robb on the show, but certainly not Brandi. She still is very annoying and I so hope not to see her on the show anymore. Angela fits in with the team and I think it showed this time, even though in the dark she looks like a deranged serial killer. Robert fits perfectly in the show and should be a permanent member even though he was just with the team for the first case of this episode. So when will Brandi leave again?
Well the first case brought them to the Grande Hotel in Cambuquira, Brazil. The hotel was closed down just for them. There were a lot of stories to the hotel and the evidence they got was pretty amazing, even though it kind of seemed like the hotel manager didn't think so because he didn't seem to be that enthusiastic about any of the evidence. Especially the photo Barry took with his full spectrum camera. That camera seems to do wonders with hunting ghosts, where can I get one of those? I really want one!
The second case was "The Little Castle" in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The story is that a family Reis lived in the castle and after the father died the brothers kept fighting with each other until one of them is said to have gunned down the mother, his brother and himself. During the whole investigation you can only hear the traffic going by. How is a investigation even possible there? How can they make out what noises come even from the castle? The castle is basically just a empty shell. So I was very surprised to see they found something. The only evidence they were able to present was a EVP of a womans voice saying a name "Eduardo". So their research showed that the family Reis didn't live in the castle, just used it as a law office and that they are suppose to have had a meeting with someone, maybe Eduardo? The mother had 4 bullets in her 2 belonged to a gun they never found. Also the brother who was suppose to have shot the family had 2 bullets in his heart and the gun in his left hand, even though he was right handed. So was there a Eduardo that killed the family and was the womans voice on the EVP the mother telling them about it? Kind of creepy but also exiting.
The next episode airs on Wednesday (Jan 21st) 9/8c on Sci-Fi!
If you missed the previous episode Ghost Hunters International Season 1 Episode 15 "Ghost Child of Peru" you can watch it online! Just click on the image above and it will take you right there. Sadly Sci-Fi is not as international friendly as it used to be so not everyone can watch their videos anymore. So only if you live in the USA you will be able to watch the full episode on their site. The Sci-Fi website for GHI seems very neglected anyway (barely any show information, just the very very basics on there), so I am not surprised about the change that just americans can watched the full episodes there now.
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