Saturday, December 27, 2008

American Gladiators canceled?

My first post in a while and I just had to write about this. I just read today that maybe American Gladiators will be canceled. Truly I wouldn't be surprised about it and let me tell you why. The first season of the new American Gladiators was great. I watched the old Gladiators and loved it, these ones where great to watch as well. Ratings for the first season were very good too, the second season lost viewers quite quickly. The second season though I didn't even watch completely plainly because they started to show some of the matches just half or said who got how many points or you could go to their website to see the matches. But why do I watch the show then? I don't watch it to see them talking about how they are going to kicked each others asses or getting interviewed about their sloppy story why they are there I want to see the matches! That's it! I want to see them compete against each other and who is the better athlete. I don't want to see new Gladiators added constantly. I want to see the ones from the first season doing what they are doing best! But I guess they had to ruin the show by making into something nobody besides them wants to see!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Little Break

It has been a while since my last post, but I will be back soon. Here is a little something for now.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Prison Break Season 4 Episode 2 (S04E02)

This was better. The first episode kind of felt rushed and a lot of things packed into one episode. I guess they wanted to show more story then they had time to, so everything had to be forced together in one episode. Why not make 2 out of it?

Well this one though was way better and more like the prison break as we know it. Breaking in to places getting their device back, thinking they have the information they were looking for only to find out there is yet another twist in the show. What I wonder was wondering though. Sarah asked the maid to look at her purse so that she could drop the spy device in it. So in order to retrieve it they stole the purse after they thought they had all the information. After stealing it from her they found out that she left the device at her employers house. So why break into the house first to get it back? Why couldn't Sarah go back to bus station and say "oh, as I looked at your purse the other day my cell phone fell in it. Did you by any chance find it?" So she could have picked it up next day at work again and then brought it back to Sarah. I mean what would have been easier? haven't they thought about that scenario? Or would that have been too simple? But they could have put another twist in!

All I know for sure is that I am looking forward to the next episode now that the show is back to it's old glory.

The next episode of Prison Break airs Monday 9/8c on Fox!

If you missed the first episodes of the 4th season you can watch them online! Just click on the image above and will take you right there.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

I want to work for Diddy Season 1 Episode 3 (S01E03)

What for a episode. 2 people of each team had to travel to France in order to find a model and convince her to come to New York with them to participate in a photo shooting. While those 4 where franticly searching for their model the team members left in New York had to find wardrobe and make a advertising campaign for the Sean John sunglass line.

Of course as you can guess there was lots of drama along the way. Deon was send home. he did have experience working as assistant in advertising. He did believe in their teams campaign and somehow I think it also wasn't that bad. But the "Judges" thought that the other teams campaign was better and they won. For winning each of them got sunglasses.

I think there is not really anybody on the show I want to see win. I really don't think anyone of them would be a good personal assistant. I wonder who chose the candidates? Does the winner really gets a job after the show or do they just participate to be on the TV?

The next episode airs Monday 9 pm EDT on VH1!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Prison Break Season 4 Episode 1 (S04E01)

Prison Break is back and with it Sarah Wayne Callies! What a very good surprise. I really missed her in the 3. season and was happy to see her back. my first thought was oh no did they bring in a different actress to play Sarah hoping the viewers wouldn't mind? But no, it is her! So I guess she was taking the 3. season off because of her real life pregnancy?

So much happens in the first episode and I am sure most of you have seen it. For me it is kind of a love hate relationship. When it airs I am thinking oh no, should I really watch it? Then when it start I am totally into it. I must admit thought S04E01 is kind of weird. The tattoo thing totally unrealistic and now they all work for a government agent against the company in trade for their freedom? The beginning doesn't add up with what we all saw in the first seasons. Michael says that they threatened him to get Whistler out of Sona or they will kill LJ and and Sarah, but that they didn't held up to it and killed her in the end. But they killed her in the beginning of it and Michael was doing ti all for LJ wasn't he?

Well I guess we have no other choice but see what this season has in store for us.

The next episode of Prison Break airs Monday 9/8c on Fox!

If you want to watch Prison Break online you can do so right now. Just click on the image above and will take you right there.

Big Brother Season 10 Episode 15 (S10E15)

I can not believe Renny is the new HOH. That was very surprising but I was very happy to see April leaving the HOH competition first and her alliance one after another right after her. I mean I really liked their alliance with April, Ollie, Keesha and Libra but April kind of really showed her true colors and I don't like them. So I even like the alliance even more between Keesha, Memphis, Dan and Renny. I would love seeing them in the house as the last 4. In the beginning I know that I didn't like Memphis's alliance but I think since he showed more of what he thinks it changed to that even though he won the car in the first episode he still deserve to win BB! I think the people that were in his alliance just made him look as bad as they were. Because I think that there were very loud and backstabbing.

The next episode of Big Brother airs today, Tuesday 9pm on CBS.

If you want to watch the last episode online you can do so right now. Just click on the image above and will take you right there.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Big Brother Season 10 Episode 12 (S10E12)

Jessie is out! I can not believe it, I thought everyone is following April's wishes just as they have followed Keesha's the week before.

Michelle won the HOH competition. I am sure Libra is going to be nominated and I wouldn't be surprised if she is the one they want out next eviction. Michelle's alliance has wanted her out for a while now. Let's see who she is going to nominate.

Dan was very good as America's player. I never thought he could pull it off as good as he did, especially as he had to hug Jessie for 10 seconds!

The next episode of Big Brother airs Tuesday 9pm on CBS.

If you want to watch the last episode online you can do so right now. Just click on the image above and will take you right there.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Big Brother Season 10 Episode 11 (S10E11)

That was a interesting POV competition. I would have never thought that Libra would win the whole thing. I am sure April felt quite foolish for saying before that Libra loses every single competition and she always has a excuse for it. I thought she would trade her unitard for Jessies letter from home though, I was very surprised seeing her trading it for Michelle's travel to Hawaii.

I so hope Jessie is going to be evicted from the house. He can be so annoying on the show. It is like watching a complete different person when he shows his caring site like as he tried to talk to Michelle. I can not believe how much Michelle flipped after she got traded her Hawaii trip against the unitard.

Jerry won the POV and chose not to use it. So Memphis and Jessie are still nominated. I so hope Jessie is going home. I do understand how some maybe think Memphis should go because he already won the car. But I so hope Jessie goes.

The next episode of Big Brother airs Today Sunday 8pm on CBS.

If you want to watch the last episode online you can do so right now. Just click on the image above and will take you right there.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Big Brother Season 10 Episode 7 (S10E07)

Keesha nominated Jessie and Angie. That is very well done in my book. I really don't like the alliance between Jessie, Angie, Michelle and Memphis. They truly must think that their alliance is in the upper hand and they rule the house unbeknown to the others. So now with Jessie and Angie nominated one of them is going home for sure. Now just none of their alliance members can win the POV and everything is perfect. I think all 4 of them deserve the least to win Big Brother 10. This is a very hard week for their alliance so let see who has to leave the house.

The food competition was super funny, this time they played all for the food item of the week and not who gets slop. They had 2 huge records spinning around on top was a laundry basket with socks in. girls on one team boys on the other. Now they had to find the same socks to match a pair. Then hang it on the wall at the same spot. Of course they couldn't see each other and just had to communicate which sock and where to hang it. Renny was so horrible in the game I couldn't believe it. Does it show their communication skills in real life? The item that they matched up right they received as food for the week.

The next episode of Big Brother airs today Tuesday 9pm on CBS.

If you want to watch the last episode online you can do so right now. Just click on the image above and will take you right there.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Ghost Hunters International Season 1 Episode 14 (S01E14)

Another episode another hope of the show being back to the old format. After seeing the latest episode of GHI I do think that the original GH show is so much better. I can't wait for episodes of GH! Thankfully they start airing September 3rd!

This time GHI are in Romania. The first investigation brought them to the Banffy Castle in Transylvania, Romania. The Banffy Castle is a very run down castle which is used today as restauration school and there a students from all over the world. Which I think sounds very interesting! I am sure that it would be very interesting to see it. Normally building that have been renovated have paranormal activities because the renovations start it up, but the castle has the paranormal activities in the parts of the castle that have not been touched yet. Which is kind of weird. The finding were some sound they recorded and a photo of some sort of light in the doorway of a house. Barry took that photo with his full spectrum camera standing in the courtyard taking photos of the castle.

The second investigation is Dracula's Castle in Curtea de Arges, Romania. I always wanted to go and visit Dracula's castle because I thought it would be very interesting. So I am kind of excited to see his castle on GHI! After the investigation they didn't have any evidence that the castle is haunted. So they didn't have anything to show the local historian. The historian said the he is kind of happy that he can tell people now that there is nothing paranormal going on.

This episode was the season finale, so if you have missed any episode your online change is watching them online! I do hope that there won't be a second season if the team doesn't change back to the one it was in the beginning. So lets see what happens! One thing I am sure about though is that sooner or later you will be able to buy the first season of GHI on DVD, so if you liked the show look out for that.

If you would like to watch one of the previous episode online you can do so right now. Just click on the image above and it will take you right there! The best is you don't even have to be from the USA. So wherever you are from you can watch it right now.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Big Brother Season 10 Episode 6 (S10E06)

So, since Michelle left die nominees as before and opted out in using her POV Dan and Steve are fighting for the votes. Well not really so much Dan as Steve is. I think it really just would be smart of Libra, Ollie and April to join Keesha and keep Steven around. He can help them out later on since they are right on track with guessing that Jessie, Michelle, Angie and Memphis are in a alliance. The only thing they are not guessing is that Jessie also has something going with Dan! So they better keep Steven I also think he is more loyal then Dan. Since Dan knew he had the alliance with Jessie and the others he thought he doesn't have to campaign.

Well now I think for sure Keesha, April, Libra and Ollie are going to be picked off one by one since they also voted to evict Steven. So lets see who is the next one to leave the house. The goodbye message... what was Jessie's speak all about building your body and so on? Seriously is that all he thinks about, what did that have to do with Steven? Why couldn't he just record a normal goodbye message?

Keesha won the HOH competition! That is awesome, one reason being that she can now nominate one of the other alliance and the other reason being that she can not be eliminated. I can't wait to see who she is going to nominated for elimination.

The next Big Brother episode airs Thursday 8pm on CBS.

If you missed the last episode you can watched it right now online! Just click on the image above and it will take you right there!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

I Want To Work For Diddy Season 1 Episodes 1 and 2 (S01E01 - 02)

Haven't we all watched the apprentice? I mean you know most of the people faked their resume just to make it seem like they have a better job then they really do or they are better qualified then you are. And I don't think it is any different on this show. If Kim "Poprah" would really be a entrepreneur would she even try to work for Diddy? Wouldn't she have her own thing going? Anyway, from the beginning I thought that this show would be like the apprentice i thought it would be a fresher and hipper then the Original. And it is, drama from the first minute and way more fun then the Original.

On the firts episode they had to prove their talent in multitasking. I know this is not easy for everyone but some of them seemed quite lost. The second episode they learned how to navigate their way military stile through the woods. The first team to make it to the end won. Next episode they are go France! So don't miss that one...

If you haven't seen the first 2 Episode believe me you missed out big time. The next episode airs Monday 9pm on VH1!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Burn Notice Season 2 Episode 6 (S02E06)

Another awesome episode of Burn Notice. This time Michael helps one of his old friends washing his name clean. Did you see Gabrielle Anwar in the very short outfit? A lot of young actresses wouldn't look as good in it as she did. I wonder how much she had to work out before she wore it. She look like she spend a long time in the gym.

You haven't watched it? No problem, if you live in the USA click the image and it will take you right to the episode so you can watch it online.

The next episode of Burn Notice airs next Thursday 10/9c on USA.

Ghost Hunters Season 1 Episode 13 (S01E13)

Another episode another glimpse to see if Brian or Donna are back but no such luck. This episode they are going to eastern Europe.

Their first case is Predjama Castle in Predjama, Slovenia. It is a castle build kind of into a mountain. The first people there lived in a gave and then started building the castle right in front. The employees say that they have heard footsteps and everything that they have witnessed happened when it gets darker in the evening. There are caves you can access from the castle. Andy and Brandy went into the caves first, they found all sorts of natural metals in there like iron and salt. Those things can "record" feelings of event that happened there so they can replay it long after they recorded those things. I think the castle looks very interesting and definitely should be on your tour list if you ever go to Slovenia. The reveal showed a couple of EVP's they recorded which I thought where very interesting. But the thing I thought was the most interesting was the photo Barry took in the torture chambers from the third floor down towards Dustin on the second floor and Robb on the first floor. There was some sort of mist coming into the photo towards Dustin, the next photo show it being closer to him. Barry then told Dustin that there is a mist behind him and as Dustin turns around the mist is gone from the photo. They very quite amazing and I wonder what that was.

The second case was Cachtice Castle in Cachtiche, Slovakia. The castle is known for the blood countess Elizabeth Barthory. I have just watched something about her on a show about Vampires. The story is that one of her maids cut herself accidentally. Her blood splatter onto the countess, the countess thought her skin look so much younger and better. So she started to bath in her maids blood. Allegedly she murdered 650 young girls just so she can bath in their blood. She was later sentenced by the court for her blood lust she then was imprisoned in her home where she also died. So remembering the show I just watched a couple of days ago this is very interesting and because of how many people died there. But the GHI weren't able to find anything and so therefor they said that the place is not haunted.

The next episode of Ghost Hunters International airs next Wednesday 9/8c on Sci-Fi.

If you would like to watch online one the previous show just click on the image above and it will take you right to them.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Ghost Hunters International Season 1 Episode 12 (S01E12)

The first case took the GHI to South Africa. The Nottingham Road Hotel says to have a female ghost named Charlotte. She folds peoples laundry and TVs getting turned of. As was surprised as Brandy said they have to whole Hotel for them self because they rented all the rooms! well just until they showed how small the hotel is. I imagined a big Hotel this one I guess has about 10 rooms? They did capture some EVPs but other then that nothing else. Of course they debunked a lot of thinks again like the TV because the TV has a timer and you just need to click on button to have it start (well what if you don't click the button Andy?).

At some point the background music was so loud that I couldn't even hear what they were saying. Is that on purpose? It is just plainly annoying.

The second location in South Africa was the Cape Town Castle. The castle seems like a very nice place to visit when you are in Cape Town! The location seemed very interesting. Especially the things that happened to Barry while he was alone in the cell. Something hit the voice recorder and then something touched him. Okay they are so big in debunking. The ringing Robb and Dustin heard they said could not have come from any of their equipment. But they didn't even investigate it other then turning off Robb's walkie talkie. Normally they are so big in debunking, especially Andy. But he didn't want to talk about it at all at the reveal so what was up with that? It could have been any of the other equipment they had in there with them so why not check every single one? Also the castle historian who showed them around said he never heard anything in that room. He has been in there a couple of times and it always has been dead quite in there. So I think that is weird and they should have investigated it more.

Also still a huge question mark over the show is who is Brandy? And where are Donna and Brian? I really can not watch one episode with thinking about those questions. On Ghost Hunters there normally always explained when someone was gone or new. GHI is like this is how it is and we are not going to say anything. I wish they would though!

The next episode of Ghost Hunters International is on Wednesday 9/8c on Sci-Fi. If you want to watch a previous episode you can do so on the Sci-Fi website and the best is you can be from anywhere around the world to watch the show online! Just click on the image above and it will take you right to it.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Big Brother Season 10 Episode 5 (S10E05)

Michelle won the Power Of Veto. Steven had some hope for getting off the block by having Keesha in the veto competition. He was one of the first people to leave the veto competition so it was all up to her. And because she told the other girls that she wants Steven to stay they had to play even harder. The last 3 left in the competition where Michelle. Keesha and Libra. They all passed on a slop pass just though that they could win POV, and keep in my Libra and Keesha are already on slop for the second week in a row.

I think it is funny to see Jessie keep telling people that everyone thinks he is just muscles and no brain. He wants everyone to think so, that is his game plan. Well I have to admit everyone who believes that is just as stupid as he is. His first choice as nominee would have been Renny (even though even a monkey would have known that she is a weak player and easily to beat and it would be a good chance of getting a strong competitor out) so if the other would not have talked him into nomination Steven and Brian he would have gone with Renny! So much for how smart he is.

The next episode of Big Brother air on Sunday 8pm on CBS.

Big Brother Season 10 Episode 4 (S10E04)

The tables have turned. After Brian got himself kicked out the house is after everyone that has had any kind of relationship with him. I mean it seems like if you have just look at him a certain way they would go after you too!

Jessie as HOH is kind of funny I mean did you see his HOH room? He is truly in love with himself there is no denying. He wanted to nominate Renny so bad but the other got him to nominate Dan, who was in a alliance with Brian and Steven, who supposedly came not right up to look at the shrine to Jessie, sorry I mean HOH room.

I must admit I always thought Hooters girls were dumb, blond airheads Barbie's but I must admit Keesha has shown me different. She seems to be a very sweet, dog loving very naive girl. It does hurt to see how the other girls don't trust her because she is not as stupid as they are. She is my absolute favorite right now on the show and I do hope she gets very far. Though I think she should have not said to them how she wishes that Steven stays in the house. I think that was the tricker for the other girls to not trust her anymore.

The next episode of Big Brother is on Sunday 8pm on CBS!

Psych Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04)

Shawn and Gus on a treasure hunt? Thought you would never see that? Well this time they did it. Shawn's uncle Jack is back and he wants Shawn, Henry and Gus to help him on a treasure hunt. The promises them a 50% share of the gold when they find it. The only bad thing is the treasure map he has is torn and missing a piece. While searching for the clues they have to find out that Jack promised a 50% shared to more partner. Those are very furious now and of course want the map back. In a very funny hunt for the treasure and for their life's Shawn and Gus end up finding the treasure. Jack ran and was missing after they escaped Jack's other partners. As Shawn and Gus run from the cave with the gold followed by Jack's partner Jack pulls up in his car telling Shawn and Gus it would be better if they give him the gold so they wouldn't be in danger anymore. Shawn hands over the bag, the partners catch up and shortly after the police arrives. The partners get arrested, Jack has to find out that there is no gold in the bag Shawn gave him and Shawn reveals he exchanged the gold with stones in the woods while running from the partners.

If you have missed this very funny episode and you live in the USA you can click now on the image above and watch it online. The next episode airs Friday 10/9c on USA.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Kathy Griffin: My life on the D-List Season 4 Episode 9 (S04E09)

Steve Wozniak is engaged and it's NOT to Kathy Griffin, but who? My guess would be his assistant Julie... she would be my choice anyway. But who is it? Who is the lucky person engaged to Steve Wozniak? I wonder and hope it will be revealed sometime. I think he never was together with Kathy to be honest! I think he is just a friend of hers and the whole relationship was just made up for the show. I mean she always has those things she does for publicity, so why not this one? Why i think so? Well every time he came over or they saw each other they never kissed, always huged as greeting and the chemistry between them was just very weird nothing natural or loving.

This episode beside Kathy saying that she is not together anymore with Steve she tried to play matchmaker for her friend Rachel. So she took her to the Segway polo game of Steve and some other geeks. Rachel selected two of them she wanted to get to know better at lunch and then meet again on the Fur Ball. At the Fur Ball Steve met his ex-wife and Kathy acted all offended that he didn't introduce Kathy to his ex-wife. They broke up after the Fur Ball Kathy said. Which is not a surprise to me. Kathy also complaint the whole show how he just took her to cheap restaurants. I mean come even if you have the money to go to Mr. Chow you don't have to. They do not hang up sign at McDonald's saying if you make over a certain amount of money you can not eat there anymore! I think that makes him more more like every body else. He goes where he feels comfortable and where he likes to eat, nothing wrong with that.

I do think that this was the last episode of this season. So everyone who missed this season either has to look out for re-runs or buy the DVD!

Brun Notice Season 2 Episode 5 (S02E05)

Michael is watching Carla, trying to find out who burned him. Right now she is the only person who can bring him closer. They have been watching her P.O. box followed the secretary to they office and know now where Carla's office is. But before he can focus on finding out who burned him he is asked to help someone.

His client just released from prison, made a promise to his son not to be involved in any crime anymore. So as a criminal tells him to work with them in a heist he declines, only to find out that he won't let him get out. Michael tries to get him out of it, if that doesn't work he gets involved and in the end the boss gets killed by one of the people from the heist who Michael had think that he got the jewelery but just doesn't want to give them their share.

The episode was just as good as all the other. If you have missed it you can watch it online right now. If you live in the USA you can click the image above and it will take you right there.

The next episode of Burn Notice is on Thursday 10/9c on USA.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Big Brother Season 10 Episode 03 (S10E03)

I know this has aired a while ago but I just had the time to watch this episode. I loved to see Brian getting nominated because Jessie got himself off the block! Then Jerry acted all like they told him to do it and he had no other choice. BS of course he could have chosen different! But he just had nothing better to do then throwing Ollie under the bus acting like he was the one breaking the alliance! Jerry could have nominated someone else it was Ollie who did it! And Brian was playing everyone as seen in episode before. So he deserve this, he thought he was the puppet master only to find out the puppets have turned on him. And the best part is that he was voted out 9 to 1!

What was going on between April and Ollie in the bedroom? Who didn't see this coming? I am sure it is just going to deepen the longer both of them stay in the house. Or is one of them just playing with the other ones feelings? It is very hard to believe they are only in the house for a short time. They have developed so many relationships and they have had so much drama that one could think they have been in there for so much longer!

Jessie won the HOH competition. I can not wait to see who he is nominating!

The next episode of Big Brother is on today 8pm on CBS!

Paranormal State Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03)

The Paranormal State Team headed this time to help ranch owners. Two of their horses have been killed and one of their dogs. The team tries to find out what is going on. It seems to be something between spirit and animal but none of them has ever had to do with anything like this. A Native Elder came in and told them that the cedar trees they burned caused a lot of trouble since the spirits of the ancestors life in them. So he said they angered their spirits by burning them.

This episode was the first time they actually captured something on camera! At dead time Chip Coffey was sitting at the kitchen table as the chair next to him moved. I think this was one thing people always complaint about this show is that the Ghost Hunters were able to captures things on camera while Paranormal State never did. I think this shows that now they did captures something on camera!

The Elder said they should plant a new tree as peace offering to the spirits and to set a better tone between them. Every since they did that none of their animals have been harmed bu8t they still can hear the crawl coming from the woods every night.

The ranch was very nice, and the best part is that the next neighbor is a mile away! I always get a little scared watching Paranormal State, but that doesn't change that it is still my favorite paranormal show on!

The next episode airs Monday 10/9c on A&E!

Flipping Out Season 2 Episode 8 (S02E08)

That was a episode! Jeff was as crazy as ever and on top I think this was the season finale. The next episode is just a reunion so I guess that was it for this season. Hopefully there will be a third season.

Jeff tried to finish the Encino project and Lori and her family moved into a construction site. There is still some left that needs to be done. But the house looks awesome! I mean from the front it kind of looks small and nothing special but seeing it from the back I was like wow that is amazing! I can not believe he made it look so nice. I wish he would come to my house and to that, well without me having to spend money that is.....

He also went shopping around for a new project, so he offered on a house and really got the sellers agent very mad. Everyone watching could tell he was just joking and pushing her buttons but she really flipped and seemed soooo mad at him! There was a second person interested in the house but she got the seller to go for Jeff's offer even though it was less. Jeff in return agreed on not asking for any credits, on the inspection day he did try to feel her out for credits. She wasn't having it and seemed very irritated with him. I kind of thought the way he said it to her he was just joking and didn't really try to get some credits. he had to call her after and apologize saying he is not asking for credits and he is sorry for saying it because he doesn't want to anger her. She was really mad and yelling at him how hard she worked. I think she needs some humor in her life!

Jeff was able to sell Commonwealth, which he lives in. So now he is looking for a new place to live. One of his option were to move in with Ryan and his partner, which Ryan wasn't that happy about.

It kind of seem that they left some options open for a third season by saying to start buying in Malibu and doing their flips there where money is to be made. So lets hope for that and that it won't be too long before the next season starts! But first don't forget to tune in for the Flipping Out Reunion next Tuesday 10/9 c on Bravo! I am sure we will get some nice insides!

Monday, August 4, 2008

I Love Money Season 1 Episode 5 (S01E05)

That was so clear that Destiny would go home. I mean how would any girl in the house have enough brain cells to think that this is their chance to get Real out and with that weaken the strong Stallionaires? Last week they tried so hard to get one of them out and this week it is presented right in front of them on a gold platter but what do they do? They send Destiny home. Everybody wants to see her leave and they all want her to go but that also means it would have been easy to get her out the next time but this time grap you chance by getting rid of Real! I think they showed us with this move how smart they are!

In the beginning they stuck to their plan to eliminate always the stronger playing so that they have higher chances of winning, now they just get rid of everyone they just don't like personally! Do they really think they are going to win by keeping the Staillionaires? they are setting them selves up to lose big time.

But to the episode. Their competition this week was to get every team member cry. Everyone had a line drawn under their nose. They had to produce one tear and the tear had to run down to that line! Since the yellow team has 7 people and the green team 6 one of their members had to sit it out. They chose Hoopz to sit it out because they thought she was even tougher then some of their male team members! So 5 of the team members could get some little helpers to make them cry like onions, tweezers, hot sauce and cayenne pepper. The 6th member had to make them self cry without those helps. The yellow team got a very quick start after Pumkin decided to put the cayenne pepper into her eyes! The green team had quite some trouble. So the yellow team ended up winning. Nominated for elimination from the green team where Destiny, Real and Brandi C. Toastee was the team captain of the yellow team and therefor was able to decide who gets eliminated. So she chose Destiny and she really thinks she is in a alliance with the Stallionaires! Yeah right......Destiny saved her from going home the first episode and Toastee said to Destiny then that if she has her back now she will have hers later when she is in that situation! So much for hoe much her word is worth!

The Entertainer was very upset with Destiny leaving since they started to have some sort of fling for each other! He promised revenge and I am very sure he is going to give Toastee a very hard time in the house now. I mean everyone who has seen him before knows he will be going nuts in the house now! I would not be surprised if he is the next one to go. Well him or Toastee or maybe one of the other girls that get caught up in one of the many games and alliances they have going.....

I know I can not wait for the next episode and for all of you who can't wait it airs next Sunday 9/8c on VH1!

Ghost Hunters International Season 1 Episode 11 (S01E11)

What drama is going on with this show behind the scenes? And still the question who is Brandy Green? I mean they always introduce everyone when they come to the show but she just appeared. She didn't need any training like everyone else that comes onto the show and she is the case manager? And what happened to all the other GHI members like Brian and Donna? Donna had to go home because she was sick, but what about Brian? They never mentioned that either! I think the quality of show is going down whoever causes the drama and members to leave should go seriously. We have seen Barry, Andy, Brian and Donna before and GH and they all worked together well and it didn't seem to be any drama there. Now that there is Robb who is a very bad choice as lead investigator by the way! Is he the problem or who is? I watched the show just because of the familiar faces that we haven't seen on GH in quite a long time such as Brian and Donna, but they are not even mentioned in the shows start anymore. Before GHI started I was hoping Barry would return and be the lead investigator. Brandy is just very boring and doesn't bring anything to the show. Just get Brian and Donna back! PLEASE!!!!

This time they visited Bodelwyddan Castle in Wales. They had a lot of things going on from footsteps to knocking and cold spots to EVP's. It was a investigation with actually things happening which they haven't had for some time. But it could have been more interesting with Brian and Donna there. The investigator were quite boring and I really don't think I am going to continue to watch the show if Brian or Donna do not come back. It is just becoming bland, boring and a very bad spin off. Oh, and another very annoying thing is the background music. Can they turn it any louder? I mean we already can not hear anything the investigator hear anymore so why not just have the music on? Seriously it would be great to hear some of the noises they can hear!

Well that said for everyone who hasn't watched this show yet you can watch some of the episodes online right now. Just click on the image above and it will take you right to it and the best thing is it doesn't matter where you live! Yep finally a show everyone can enjoy online and after buy the DVD! Just as I do. The next episode airs Wednesday 9/8c on Sci-Fi!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Psych Season 3 Episode 3 (S03E03)

Daredevils who hasn't seen one? Shawn accepted tickets to a daredevil show as payment for a case. At the she he notices that somebody is sabotaging the motorcycle. The son of the Daredevil hires them as stunt tester so they could investigate. They went after every single one on the team only to fin out in the end that the Daredevil himself sabotaged the equipment to die while one of his stunts.

While trying to figure out if it is Red that is trying to kill him (since he is working with all the equipment the daredevil works with) they see how he is administrating cancer medication to the daredevil. So it's not him either, but who is trying to kill the dying daredevil? Shawn and Gus find in the Daredevils Dutch 'The Clutch' Jenkins trailer a life insurance hidden under a floor tile. The beneficiaries are Viki (his wife) and his son. Right before the last show Shawn goes up to the daredevil and tells him he knows. The daredevils tempered with his own equipment so he would die while one of his stunts. That way Viki and his son would get the life insurance. Shawn made clear to him that if he would have his family chose if they would prefer to spend another 6 month with him or receive the life insurance sum that he is sure his family would want to spend that time with him. So in the end the daredevil didn't temper with his motorcycle at the last show andfinished the stunt without any injuries this time.

Also funny in this episode was O'Hara trying to find a date for Lassiter! Just hilarious...

Psych is just always great to watch. The flow between the actors is awesome and shows in every single episode! If you have missed the episode and you live in the USA you can watch this episode only right now. Just click on the image above and will take you right to the site! Otherwise the next episode airs next Friday 10/9c on USA!

Rescue Mediums Season 1 Episode 1 (S01E01)

I think actually they are airing the 3rd season already but I have just watched the first episode of the first season! It aired here on a local channel so I have not heard of this show before but I was very surprised. Jackie Dennison and Christine Hamlett are two internationally-renowned psychics who go into peoples home and help them guide the spirits trapped in their houses into the light.

This episode they went to Wolfe Island to help a couple that has has spirit activity in their house. The husband tries to explain everything as normal sounds like the wind etc. The wife has had different experiences and believe those are ghosts. One of the husbands biker friends brought his child over with him for a visit and the child saw four nuns. Christine and Jackie pickup on sort of spirits from children to a priest and nuns. First they help the children pass on later the priest. They say that he thought he would burn in hell so he doesn't want to go. He did go and as last sign of his one night the couple heard a sound like glass breaking but they couldn't find anything. The husband still tries to find a normal explanation for it. Christine and Jackie said that it is normal that spirit give the home owners a last sign of their presents before they leave.

The house was stunning, a true dream home. The house was owned by the catholic church for years and years. The couple has kept the windows and the cross on atop the vaulted roof. The house is surrounded by three cemeteries so I think that is something that would scare me every day it gets dark! But otherwise the house is very beautiful and I am sure it is a nice place to life in.

I don't think W Network airs new episodes right now but the next episode they are airing is S02E15 "Suburban Spirits" on Tuesday 2am e/p!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List Season 4 Episode 8 (S04E08)

Full team ahead to the Grammy. That's how you could say it. Kathy wants a Grammy and is doing everything to get it. She recorded one of her show in Tracy and the she wants to be nominated for the Grammy with it. Why do they even have a Grammy for spoken word? I mean why not just for singer? I just don't understand it. Anyway Kathy met up with the advertising team to see what they came up with after her photo shot for the CD. The ads look awesome and hilarious! One look and you know it is Kathy!

To get some press she met Adnan Ghalib which we all know for being the boy toy of Britney Spears. he took her to the places he knows the paparazzi are at. They acted cozy and went shopping at Victoria's Secret. For the finale they went outside her house and acted like they were kissing! Next thing you know is she is all over the internet with those photos! Goal reached, Kathy happy!

Kathy and her Team met Suze Orman to get some financial advise. I loved it as Suze told Jessica that leasing will be the biggest mistake she has ever made in her life! And of course Jessica didn't just take it, she had to say no it won't. I enjoyed someone stepping up to Jessica and talking to her like that. I really can not taker her anymore on the show but thankfully this time it was a show with rarely any Jessica in it. That's how the show could always be. I don't mind Tom and Tiffany but Jessica? I really don't want to see her anymore, she doesn't seem to be the smartest horse in the Griffin stable! This was the first time I heard of Suze Orman. I am going to look up later what she does.

The next episode airs next Thursday 10/9c on Bravo!

Fear Itself Season 1 Episode 8 (S01E08)

Wasn't that a amazing setting? That would totally be a dream house! I think the whole show I was paying more attention to how nice the log cabin was then the show. Lets see if I can remember it

A ranch set in some mountains is run by a family. Grady the family father is missing in the mountains for a week. The family is worried. The oldest sun wants to go look for the father but Grady's brother Rowdy is holding him back saying that the storm is too bad. Then the father appears stumbling out of the woods. Rowdy and the native Eddie Bear get him into the house into bed. He looks horrible frostbitten and just like skin and bones. The first night somebody attacks the horses and bites chunks out of one of them. Eddie Bear tells Rowdy about his cousins father who went missing in the mountains and as he came back he was changed and had a rage in him. He didn't want that to happen again. He went to see Grady telling him he know he is just playing and that he is not weak. That evening Grady attacks his wife as she wants to take the diner dishes away. from there on it is just a fight for their life's. Grady wants to eat them and there is no stopping. Eddie Bear steps up and tries to kill him while Grady's wife and children are in his trailer. But he is the first victim Rowdy is facing him next after finding Eddie Bear dying on the floor. As Rowdy steps into the bedroom Grady is in the bed acting like the weak person again. Why didn't Rowdy just shot? as he wants to it is too late. Grady attacks and kills him. The wife and children hide in the meantime in the barn. Why not take the car and leave? Well of course he finds them and show off Rowdy's dead body. In the end he attacks his wife and his oldest son shots at him just hitting him in the arm. Grady running screaming out of the house finds the youngest son in the barn. The oldest son is coming for help just before the mother comes and shots Grady finally.

A very good episode with lots of blood and gore. If you have missed this episode don't worry if you live in the USA you can watch the episode online right now on the NBC website. Just click the image above and it will take you right there. The next episode of Fear Itself airs Thursday 10/9c on NBC.

Flipping Out Season 2 Episode 7 (S02E07)

He lost one again! This time it was Chris Keslar who quit and walk out on Jeff. Chris started working for Jeff just a couple of month ago. His plan was to start around the house and then work his way up the ladder to help him with the business and to be more involved with real estate. But after month nothing happened and so he decided after Jeff continued to bush his buttons but never promoted him to leave. I mean come on who takes a job because he thinks he will be promoted within the first year? It takes time and effort so why keep complaining about not being involved with the business?

Since Jeff and Ryan started to work again for Courtney they have again encountered a lot of stress and frustration. Courtney seems to be blind, she hired the people because they were cheap so, why blame someone else for them not working good. she should have left it up to them and let them do their job instead of trying to be involved in everything. So her husband started asking the contractors that normally work with Jeff and which do work at their house what their relationship is with Jeff and if they would continue to work if Jeff and Ryan wouldn't work on the project anymore. So after one contractor told Jeff he and Ryan then decided that it would be better to got all ties for good and stop working again for Courtney! I think that was a very good choice and I never really understood why they went back to work for her in the first place! They knew how it worked out the first time around and also how she was then so why?

The next episode will be on next Tuesday 10/9c on Bravo! And right after my favorite real estate show Million Dollar Listing! Yes it is back and I am so excited about it!

Paranormal State Season 2 Episode 2 (S02E02)

I just had the time to watch the second episode that aired Monday. This one I liked way better then the voodoo doll one, but still every episode is great!

This time they visited a family. The home is in the family for some generations and they have seen things they couldn't explain. The son has seen a older woman in the bathroom watching him, a old man in a mirror and they get creepy feeling upstairs. The family was very reluctant to speak about certain things and I felt he father was kind of offended as the medium (this time Chip Coffey wasn't there) talked about the things they didn't want to. But after sleeping over it he decided to talk to Ryan about it. His mother killed herself in the bathroom upstairs, and she has been the one his son has been seeing. At Dead Time the light behind them went out and some computer upstairs too. The woman was telling them through the medium how she regrets killing herself and that she is sorry. The father started to believe now all the stories his son told him. After Dead Time they said they had a very good feeling in that night, like satisfaction.They still see the old man with the white beard and a little girl which died 1914 in the house, but they haven't experienced the woman anymore.

Every time the show is getting to the end I feel like oh no, why can't they have a longer one? 20 minutes is kind of short. The show is plainly to good for that. It should be 40 minutes! The only good things is that the next episode will be on Monday 10/9c on A&E

Friday, August 1, 2008

Burn Notice Season 2 Epidose 4 (S02E04)

"Comrades" the latest episode, you can not imagine how it is right before the show start! Is he going to get closer to the person who burned him? Who needs his help now. I just can not stop thinking that the show has so many similarities with MacGyver! And did I mention already how good Gabrielle Anwar looked this time?

This episode Michael's brother Nate is back. He asks for help for Katya, a friend whos sister tried forever to come to the USA from Russia. Now she paid some Russian mafia $25,000 to get her into the country. After being smuggled into the country the smugglers request another $50,000 from Katya, is she ever wants to see her sister again. And of course as we all know he helps! In the end they find Katya's sister and free her. And through the magic of TV she can stay in the country (in reality yeah right). What I find amazing is Jeff Donovan speaking all these different (and hard) languages in the show. I mean how long do they give him to learn all that and how good is he learning languages? i mean of course he just has to learn the small text they give him in that language but still pronouncing everything is quite hard if you do not speak a language! I think that just shows again what talented and good actors they hired for the show!

Missed this episode? Don`t panic if you live in the USA you can watch this episode online right now. Just click on the Michael image above and will take you right there. The next episode airs next Thursday 10/9c on USA

Paranormal State Season 2 Episode 1 (S02E01)

Today I watched the first episode of season 2! I still can not believe it. I have waited so long (well I think actually a couple of month but it feels like forever) for this season. I have heard rumors that Ryan wants to do something different and I truly thought there is not going to be any paranormal state anymore. Paranormal State is my favorite paranormal show that actually helps people unlike the Ghost Hunters! I always thought why do the Ghost Hunters say we are here to help if they don't really can do anything if the house is really haunted? I think that was something I was always missing on the Ghost Hunters. Now Paranormal State brings that to the table and it is the best show out there! And it is amazing to see Chip Coffey going through the houses and feeling or seeing things. This show as it all, where the Ghost Hunters get kind of annoying with their debunking these people help.

This time they were called to a couple that has had bad things happen to them for a while. They told Ryan that a friend brought them a voodoo doll from New Orleans as souvenir which they later burned. Ryan found the burned head of the doll and they took it with them. Every since the team visited they did not have any paranormal things happen anymore. So now how often can people that had TAPS there say that?

I so hope we will see many Season of Paranormal State! I love the show and it is my favorite paranormal show! If you haven't seen it yet check it the next episode. It airs Mondays 10/9c on A&E!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

I Love Money Season 1 Episode 4 (S01E04)

I have watched them all Flavor of love, I love New York and Rock of Love. I know their faces and what insane things they have done on the shows. Now they are back and this time for what they are really after MONEY! I Love Money is my favorite show right now. I enjoyed all those people on the of love shows and to see them again before their reality show fame burns out is awesome. I mean who doesn't remember Toastee being so drunk that she can not even stand or talk right. Chance bunching Boston out in the ring, or Heather having Bret's name tattooed on her neck?

15 previous cast members of the of love shows move into a house in Mexico to compete for $250,000. Right now divided in 2 teams the captain of the winning team gets to eliminate one of the losing teams members. Every episode there is a competition. The losing team has to go into the vault to decide on 3 team members to be put up for elimination. Then they get a chance to plead their case to the other team's captain he then decides who has to leave.

This episode 12 Pack (yellow team) aproached Boston, Megan and Brandi C. (green team) to throw the challenge so that they can get rid of Whiteboy (green team) and take some power of the Stallionaires. So they did and lost the challenge. Back at the house Whiteboy and Chance gave Boston a hard time for losing. The plan was to get Whiteboy nominated by getting his $250,000 check in the chest. Megan and Brandi C. though thought different and decided it was good to keep them in case they need strong players for the next challenges. In the vault Brandi C.'s check went into the chest first, next was Destiny. Boston tried to get her not to put it in but because everyone voted for her and she didn't understand she just put it in. Boston held his check and fought so hard to not have it put in. I didn't understand why he didn't just took Whiteboys check and just threw it into the chest? Boston put up such a hard fight but in the last minute (they have 15 minutes to get the checks in) the Stallionaires and Whiteboy got it away from him and into the chest. So the rest of the episode Boston just cried. On the dinner with 12 Pack to plead their case he stayed away from the table. And as everyone guessed he got eliminated by 12 Pack. He kept Destiny because he promised her she was safe (even though his team wanted to have her eliminated) and he kept Brandi C. because she is such a weak player and therefor they have better chances of beating them in challenges.

So far every episode was so hilarious. VH1 definitely chose the right cast for the show. If you haven't watched it yet do not miss the next one you will love it too! So remember the show airs Sundays at 9/8c on VH1.

Big Brother Season 10 Episode 2 (S10E02)

There is already lots of drama in the house! It seems like they are already down to the last week in the house with how much drama they have. Brian made a huge mistake by talking to so many people about getting into a alliance with them. He should have just stick to the couple guys he talked to. He must have know it is going to bite him in the back! He so acted like he rules the house and is calling the shots and then downplaying it in the diary room by saying something like "I wouldn't say I run the house but it certainly is going in the direction I want it to..." He had it coming.

The veto competition was hilarious. Seeing the people going to hones and then having to tear up the pillows to find their colored bears! I think Michelle is a really tough competitor in the house. It wasn't fun to see Jessie win thought since he was the one I would have liked to see leave the house. Seeing how they are all after Brian I am sure he will be the one leaving the house.

The next episode of Big Brother is on Today! 8pm on CBS

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Big Brother Season 10 Episode 1 (S10E01)

I just had the time to watch the first episode of the 10th season of Big Brother. The people they chose this time seem to be w very mixed bunch.

I really like the first competition. The game seemed to be quite interesting, but then to get to know that the winner can chose between the 1966 Ford Mustang or a 1969 Camero! I couldn't believe Memphis winning and then choosing the Camero! I so would have taken the Mustang! That one looked so much better. To top it all off it also was a food competition. I really can not imagine how the slop tastes nor I even want to know....

The First HOH (Head of Household) which they had to vote for even before moving into the house was Jerry! That's what I thought the whole time. Is it because everyone trust old people? Did they think hey, the young ones could be too backstabbing so to play it safe vote for the oldest in the house?

I thought it was so funny as Jessie complaint about Renny being so loud the first night. Why did he even bother saying something about her being so loud, he could have guessed it is just gonna bite him in the a**. So as everyone could have guessed him and Renny got nominated for eviction by Jerry. Only that Jerry got the idea from Brian. I mean it kind of does make sense to nominate them because of the trouble the night before but how in the world do you nominated people after only such a short time? You still barely know them and can just guess who would be a real thread to you (cause you can never tell by the looks).

I hope Jessie is going to be voted out.....but lets see. The next Big Brother is on tomorrow Thursday 8pm on CBS!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Reality Bites Back Season1 Epidose 1 (S01E01)

I know this episode aired a while ago but I just had the time to watch it. Basically the show is making fun of all the big reality shows on TV right now. The first episode was called "Extreme Manipulation: House Edition" where 10 comedians move into a house. Obviously the show makes fun of Big Brother and I must they they hit the nail on the head!

Every episode is going to be a different reality show they make fun of. Every episode one gets evicted and the last one standing will win $50.000 which is I guess a lot for a comedian who didn't win Last Comic Standing! Jeff Garcia walked out of the first episode, I don't even know who he is so I really don't care. One that I remembered right away way Amy Schumer from Last Comic Standing.

First I didn't know what to think of the show but after watching it I can't wait to watch the next one! Just as funny as everything else Michael Ian Black was part of. I think he is perfect as the Host! And by the way the first comic to be voted out was Kyle Cease.

Reality Bites back is on Thursdays 10:30/9:30c on Comedy Central!

Kathy Griffin: My life on the D-List Season 4 Episode 7 (S04E07)

This time Kathy takes us to Bora Bora. She is hired by VIP Escapes to do her stand up for their travelers in Bora Bora. Kathy bombs with her first routine but tries everything to win them back. Before she goes on stage the first time she goes around and tries to get some material from the people in the restaurant. I think whats weird is that there were divorced people that are traveling together and a husband and wife having meals on different tables because they don't get along! I mean seriously if you don't get along with your partner don't be together! Why go on a trip with each other? Kathy was shocked that she was told there would be gay travelers only to find out there are also about 40% straight people.

The show opener was pretty cool. Kind of reminded me on some acts I have seen on my travels. Kathy bombed and next day she did her best to get them back as audience. Every one kept telling her about Todd. he was this gay guy who said he is married to this woman he was sitting next to as a joke and also was hitting on every one even on Kathy! What was his deal? He was funny thought, maybe just drunk but funny....

At the final show Kathy made jokes about the Todd guy and every one laughed. A lesbian couple celebrated their 25 anniversary!

I have recognized though it doesn't matter what Kathy says the people that work for her always laugh! I mean come on even though she pays you, you don't have to laugh about jokes that are not funny. And why does she always have to pull them into everything. The one dancer got Kathy to dance with her before her final show. She had nothing better to do then to get her whole "Team Griffin" to come with her and dance with her and the native dancer. The show is called Kathy Griffin: My life on the D-List and not Kathy Griffin and Company: Our life's on the D-List. I watch the show to see Kathy and her life and not the people that work for her. I have watched every single episode and must say in the beginning the Jessica seemed to be this nice girl that turns out now to be this b****y something that barks everyone around (very good to see in S04E06).

Anyway, I do hope the show stay to be focused around Kathy and not her "Team Griffin". They are not that interesting!

The next episode is on Thursday 10/9c on Bravo!

Kathy Griffin: My life on the D-List Season 4 Episode 6 (S04E06)

Kathy wants to have a school just like Oprah does! Yes you read right. Kathy want to have a school named after her in Mexico. So this episode takes us, her "Team Griffin", Steve Wozniak and his assistant to Mexico. She doesn't get the whole school though. After scaring the kids with a sunburned face from falling asleep in the sun. She has to clean the library. She shops as Costco for things for the children. She even brought her housemaid to Mexico (one sign that she is legal)! So everyone has to clean and then put together the shelfs for the books.

While Kathy and her Team Griffin cleans Steve Wozniak, his assistant and a apple person are showing small groups of children how to use the computer they brought. And don't even think that 4 apple computer are not generous! I truelly thought they would give a couple more seeing how he is the co-founder! In the end Kathy actually just got the library named after her. So now they have a library called "Kathy Griffin Leadership academy"! The children even got a backpack each. They kind of made it seem there was even something inside! I wonder what beside a autograph from Kathy.

As always the show was funny start to end. Don't miss the next one Thursday 10/9c on Bravo!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Psych Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02)

This show is simply funny, refreshing and different. James Roday, Dulé Hill, Timothy Omundson, Corbin Bernsen, Maggie Lawson and Kirsten Nelson are a great team. I really could not imagine having one of them replace with a different actor. As Kirsten nelson wasn't in the show for a couple of episode I think it was in the first season, the show just wasn't was it was with her. Everyone of them is giving the show something that it could exist without. It was also fun to watch James Roday and Maggie Lawson in one episode of Fear Itself. I was so happy to see Cybill Shepherd joining Psych as Shawn mother! I loved her show Cybill and was very excited to see her in Psych! A very good choice of actress as Shawn's mother.

This time it's Shawn's and Gus's 13th High school Reunion. Shawn witnesses a murder but there is no body! So for everyone it is no body no crime. Gus doesn't want to help Shawn and so he calls Lassiter. To their surprise he is also at the reunion as a date with a very b****y blond. Shawn gets O'Harra, his mom and his father involved. In the end Gus and Shawn find the body and the killers. The episode was filled with funny moments and laughs.

Psych is a must watch. It airs Fridays 10/9c on USA.


If you live in the USA you can watch the full episode on the USA Network website. Just click on the image above and it will take you right to the site.

Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List Season 4 Episode 5 (S04E05)

Who knew there are Bears? This is the first time I and I am sure many other have heard for the first time of Bears. They look like regular guys that you would have never thought are Bears or gay? They seem like a very cool bunch and kind of very different from the other guys, but good different.

Kathy had her people and Steve Wozniak's assistant have their class at The Learning Annex. I am more then sure it was staged and the people there just came to be on TV. Nobody paid to go and learn something, it was just another funny scene for TV. If people really would have paid for it they would have asked for their money back!

I really did like the assistant of Steve Wozniak. She seem to be very hard working and totally different then the team Griffin. That is a assistant every body wants I'm sure!

I must admit I am jealous of all the nice gift baskets Kathy is getting. They is quite some nice stuff in there! I think I do like free stuff way more then she does......

Steve Wozniak selling (or giving away for free?) Kathy's merchandise was priceless!

Oh and Cesar Millan was over to train Kathy's dogs to go on the treadmill. I think it is amazing how he trains dogs and I keep on wanting to buy a book of his but I still haven't done it...but it is on my list! He did get the dog to go onto the treadmill! Why would they have to go on there in the first place? I mean what does she have all these people for if not one can stay behind and take the dogs for walks when she is not there?

Well if you haven't watched the show yet, don't miss the next one. Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List airs on Thursdays 10/9c on Bravo.

Ghost Hunters International Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10)

After watching ALL Episodes of Ghost Hunters and had to give Ghost Hunters International a try as well. I love to see some old faces from Ghost Hunters Team. I don't know about Robb though. I would have rather seeing someone like Barry leading the team. GHI follows the standards of GH and tries to debunk most of the things. I kind of think they are taking further though then GH. Especially with saying oh it is this and nothing else. They don't even allow a different opinion. So most of the things get debunked very quickly.

So this episode they are in Ireland. They call GH because they are short of people. So Jay and Grant offer to sent someone to Ireland. The Charleville Castle look amazing, I mean if you are ever in Ireland this should probably be on your "to see" list! The GHI found some very nice things. They have caught one EVP and also found something on photos they took. On the photos it shows how a door is closing on it's own. Their result is that there is some sort of activity in Chareville Castle but they couldn't find enough evidence to say that the castle is haunted.

The second case of the episode was at Samlesbury Hall in Samlesbury, England. It is called the most haunted house in Britain. It looks like a giant gingerbread house. The house was build in 1325, wow that is old!I am sure that is quite a nice location to visit, why not put it also on your "to see" list when you are in the area? I really like when they use their infrared camera. They have discovered a lot of things with that camera. Is that something more people use for ghost hunting? This time they didn't find anything on their equipment that would proof a haunting. I do understand how the Tour Guide was quite shocked that they didn't find anything. Though he still had to say how professional they were. One thing I always find funny is that when they do research and they don't find any records of bones found or a police car having a accident they think the stories are not true. But what if the people never recorded these stories or accidents because back then it was too embarrassing and their didn't want anyone to know? I really think that is a very high possibility and they shouldn't say that a story is a myth or not true if they can not find any records about them. They could have been just kept quite about! Especially in earlier times that could have been a high possibility and I think even now a days a lot of things are kept quite about and not being made a public records! I think people with influence can make everything not being on record! I do hope not to see Brandy in every episode from now on, and Donna to return soon. The team is very good and I would hate to see all these new faces in the show. There are so many people that have worked with the Ghost Hunters and I am sure they would go to be with the GHI! People know them already from GH and will enjoy watching them again on GHI!

If you haven't watched Ghost Hunters International yet and want to give it a try tune in Wednesdays 9/8c on Sci-Fi


If you want to watch it whenever you want you can watch full episodes on the Sci-Fi website! Just click on the image above and it will take you right to the site! BEST is that everyone (no matter where you live) can watch the full episodes!!!! You have to love that......(especially since you can buy the DVDs worldwide)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Flipping Out Season 2 Episode 6 (S02E06)

Awesome as ever, another episode of Flipping out. It was funny seeing Jeff pushing Chris's buttons. I was quite surprised seeing Jeff and Ryan working again for Courtney. I think the way she treaded them the first time around I would have never thought they would work for her again. Valley Oaks looks very nice, they have done a very good job with it.

In one of the previous episodes Jeff said he would never want to rent out long term because of experience he had with bad tenants. So why did he buy a half share in a 5 unit building? Maybe because it is in a good area and there are no bad tenants when they have to pay $3000 rent? Well maybe it is just the real estate market and the fact flipping is not as easy anymore as it used to be.

It is funny to see Jeff being hired to do jobs. He is a leader and not someone who can work for people. He needs to be the boss. Especially if he has to answer to a 11 year old girl.

Every time I watch Flipping Out it seems the show is over in 5 minutes. I just could keep on watching. Some show it feel like they are running endless this one way too short!

If you want to watch Flipping out tune in Tuesdays 10/9c on Bravo.

Kathy Griffin: My life on the D-List Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04)

Why haven't I watched this show before? I watched the first episode of the 4th season and couldn't believe I have not seen any episode of this show before. So my first thing right after watching that episode was getting ALL the previous ones. So after watching season 1, 2 and 3 I am back on track and keep watching.....

This episode Kathy became a minister and wed a jewish couple in Queens. The wedding planer was very annoying and didn't seem to know any of Kathy's material I guess that is why she kept bothering. Also Kathy performed at Madison Square Garden (Sold Out). Before the show she met with Megan Mullally (Will & Grace) and Molly Shannon (SNL, Superstar). All I thought was oh yeah it's Mary Catherine Gallagher!!!!!!! I love the movie Superstar and I am a huge fan of hers. I couldn't believe she was on the show. Also Kathy went to see Rosie O'Donnell at her house (really nice house as far as I can tell by what they showed). And who hasn't seen Rosie's Blog yet?

Kathy Griffin: My life on the D-List is not only for gays and totally worth a look. You have go to love her humor......So give it a try Thursdays 10/9c on Bravo

Fear Itself Season 1 Episode 7 (S01E07)

This one was way better again. I really hoped for this one to be better then the last one. I kind of still can't get over the title melody but hey, the show is awesome. This episode is titled "Community" and this time they got Shiri Appleby, Brandon Routh and John Billingsley. I think it is amazing what great actors they get for the show. That is one of the things I always look forward to. The show start and right away I am thinking what actors do they have this time? It does keep the show fresh, new and exciting.

In "Community" Shiri and Brandon are playing a married couple. They want to settle down in the suburbs to start a family. So their friend tell them of this gated community in which the friends look at places but the people didn't want them since they didn't want to have another child. Shiri and Brandon drive there to look. They love the house and move in 4 weeks later. They see right away what strange things happen in the community. It gets too much as they find out that after moving in they just have 6 month to get pregnant. As she gets pregnant they see more and more things that bother them they decide to flee (since they are not allowed to just move out). So they get Shiri out somehow but the community find out. Brandon tries to flee but the community catches up to him and brings him and Shiri plus their friend who tried to help them get away back to the community. Shiri gets into the whole thing kind of like she has ben brainwashed and Brandon gets both of his legs cut of at the knees! I know I left half the things out but you have to see it to know how good this episode was.

I really hope they stay with these great episodes and don't go back a weird one like S01E06! If you want to watch it next time tune in Thursdays 10/9c on NBC


If you live in the USA you can watch the episode online! Just click on the image above and will bring you right to the site.

Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal Season 1 Episode 1 (S01E01)

Is it safe to call this a spin off from Paranormal State? This is my first episode of this show and I am watching it because I am very fascinated with everything paranormal. I watch every show there is about it and thought I would give this one try.

Jillian can see dead people, Ahli sees people auras and Faith can see dead people as well. Chip Coffey and Dr. Lisa Miller visit them to help them understand and handle their abilities. They bring the children together and have them enjoy the company of someone else who can do the same as they can. Because some of them haven't even told their best friends what they can do.

I do understand a lot of them haven't told anybody outside their family about their psychic ability. People can be cruel and especially about something like this it can be traumatic for the children.

While watching the show I kind of find it creepy what these children see and can do. I think if that would be me I would be way too scared. Is it a gift or something you don't want. I don't know maybe it is a gift but it would freak me out. I think it also is hard on the parents. Because they don't know what to do or how to help their kids.

Chip Coffey is doing a very good job on the show. I already enjoyed watching him on Paranormal State (my favorite paranormal show), so of course I am very happy he is part of the show.

I would totally recommend this show to everyone who is interested in the paranormal. The show airs Mondays 10/9c on A&E

Friday, July 25, 2008

Miami Ink Season 6 Episode 10 (S06E10)

Ok, Miami Ink (airs on TLC) is just a show I watch because there is nothing else to watch. I wouldn't be sad if it was canceled and never on again. I really don't care about the tattoos I kinda just watch it for the stories in between.

What was the show about? Well of course some people getting tattoos. I really don't listen to the story why they are getting a tattoo. I really don't care about that. Yoji (is his English getting worse show by show?) and Darren "created" their own baby clothes line. I guess they did that as show filler or something. I am sure it is just going to be on sale through a Miami Ink site or in one store in Miami.

Ami tries very hard every episode to look like a good caring guy, which he is clearly not. I really don't think he cares so much about people as he claims to do. So enough said about that.

The new guy what's his name again Tim or something. They made it seem like they got him from some tropical place where he lived only to see this episode he return to LA to his tattoo machine business and he says he enjoys being back home and seeing friends and family. It made me believe they filmed him on vacation with Garver so that it doesn't seem after Kat being from LA and having so bad luck with her that they are getting a new one from LA. It just totally showed this episode!

Well this is for sure not my first choice of show but if you are into tattoos or Miami Ink then tune in Thursdays 10/9c on TLC.

Fear Itself Season 1 Episode 6 (S01E06)

What was that?

That is all that comes to mind about that episode! I loved the previous ones. Small horror movies that were interesting every single time. This one.....confusion....all the way through. It made no sense at all, the jumps from present day to the day before throughout the show was even more confusing. After starting watching the show there were a couple times I was tempted to stop watching because I just couldn't stand it anymore.

The episode was about that something happened on New Years Eve and every body dead turned into a zombie. They then went on to eat and attack living people. You see the whole episode through a girls view of it only to find out in the end that she is one of them too. Even though she doesn't act like them the whole time (all zombies attack people and eat them, only she doesn't).

I really hope the next episode is going to be better again. If you haven't watched but want to give it a try it airs on NBC Thursdays 10/9c!


If you live in the USA you can watch this episode online! Just clicked on the image above and it will take you right to the site!

Burn Notice Season 2 Episode 3 (S02E03)

One of my favorite shows on right now (airs on USA Network). I think it is kind of a mix between A-Team and MacGyver. But a perfect mix. Both shows are classics from the 80th and two of my all time favorite shows. I think for a long time there hasn't been anything out there on TV close to A-Team and MacGyver.

Burn Notice has it all. Actors you know from other shows and Movies. I mean Blair Witch 2 is one of my favorite movies and hey Jeffrey Donovan as main character on Burn Notice? PERFECT! Gabrielle Anwar (doesn't she look HOT for her age?) I remember her from Body Snatchers and For love or money and I must admit she looks better now then she did back then! And of course Bruce Campbell, who doesn't remember him from Evil Dead? And last but not least Sharon Gless, I mean who hasn't seen her on Cagney & Lacey?

The actors work perfectly together and make the shows into what it is. I think it would not work with anybody else. These are the perfect choices.

This episode was about a loan shark and of course Michael finding out who burned him. I truelly thought they would catch him in the office from the con man. My heart stopped and I thought how does he get out of this one? But next thing you know, he comes out of the bathroom right in time he got out of there. The whole Fiona and Michael situation is funny and I do think she is doing it to get him to admit he wants to be with her.....

If you haven't watched it yet why not give it a try? It airs Thursdays 10/9c on USA


If you live in the USA you can watch the full episode online. Just click the image above and it will take you right to the site.