Another episode another glimpse to see if Brian or Donna are back but no such luck. This episode they are going to eastern Europe.
Their first case is Predjama Castle in Predjama, Slovenia. It is a castle build kind of into a mountain. The first people there lived in a gave and then started building the castle right in front. The employees say that they have heard footsteps and everything that they have witnessed happened when it gets darker in the evening. There are caves you can access from the castle. Andy and Brandy went into the caves first, they found all sorts of natural metals in there like iron and salt. Those things can "record" feelings of event that happened there so they can replay it long after they recorded those things. I think the castle looks very interesting and definitely should be on your tour list if you ever go to Slovenia. The reveal showed a couple of EVP's they recorded which I thought where very interesting. But the thing I thought was the most interesting was the photo Barry took in the torture chambers from the third floor down towards Dustin on the second floor and Robb on the first floor. There was some sort of mist coming into the photo towards Dustin, the next photo show it being closer to him. Barry then told Dustin that there is a mist behind him and as Dustin turns around the mist is gone from the photo. They very quite amazing and I wonder what that was.
The second case was Cachtice Castle in Cachtiche, Slovakia. The castle is known for the blood countess Elizabeth Barthory. I have just watched something about her on a show about Vampires. The story is that one of her maids cut herself accidentally. Her blood splatter onto the countess, the countess thought her skin look so much younger and better. So she started to bath in her maids blood. Allegedly she murdered 650 young girls just so she can bath in their blood. She was later sentenced by the court for her blood lust she then was imprisoned in her home where she also died. So remembering the show I just watched a couple of days ago this is very interesting and because of how many people died there. But the GHI weren't able to find anything and so therefor they said that the place is not haunted.
The next episode of Ghost Hunters International airs next Wednesday 9/8c on Sci-Fi.
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