I just had the time to watch the first episode of the 10th season of Big Brother. The people they chose this time seem to be w very mixed bunch.
I really like the first competition. The game seemed to be quite interesting, but then to get to know that the winner can chose between the 1966 Ford Mustang or a 1969 Camero! I couldn't believe Memphis winning and then choosing the Camero! I so would have taken the Mustang! That one looked so much better. To top it all off it also was a food competition. I really can not imagine how the slop tastes nor I even want to know....
The First HOH (Head of Household) which they had to vote for even before moving into the house was Jerry! That's what I thought the whole time. Is it because everyone trust old people? Did they think hey, the young ones could be too backstabbing so to play it safe vote for the oldest in the house?
I thought it was so funny as Jessie complaint about Renny being so loud the first night. Why did he even bother saying something about her being so loud, he could have guessed it is just gonna bite him in the a**. So as everyone could have guessed him and Renny got nominated for eviction by Jerry. Only that Jerry got the idea from Brian. I mean it kind of does make sense to nominate them because of the trouble the night before but how in the world do you nominated people after only such a short time? You still barely know them and can just guess who would be a real thread to you (cause you can never tell by the looks).
I hope Jessie is going to be voted out.....but lets see. The next Big Brother is on tomorrow Thursday 8pm on CBS!
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