After watching the first three episodes I think I realize that I missed that this season is called Hell's Kitchen - Felons on Parole Edition. I mean come on where did they get those people? Is the barrel of reality show cooks really already that empty that they have to cast these freaks?
Some examples
Lovely, doesn't she remind you of Lacey from last season? Well my husband thinks she more reminds him of me.
Joseph, can you say dishonorable discharge? I think that is quite obvious here, he seams to have quite a problem with ranks and respect.
Robert, how did his illness disappear all the sudden? Or is he just some kind of security in case all of the contestants turn out to be horrible chefs and bring some sort of normality into the show?
My guess of who will win this season? Ariel would be a guess.
The next episode of Hell's Kitchen airs Tuesday 8/7c on FOX!
If you missed the episode you can watch it online! Just click on the image above and will take you right there.